Your benefits

The best price

On your energy rates through purchasing on the energy exchange, discounts on metering services, and assistance with energy tax refunds.

Immediate benefits

You can switch suppliers at any time without any commitment.

Complete support and time savings

We handle the work and ensure you benefit from the most favorable energy rates each year.

Personalized advice

Procent provides tailored advice for the best energy solution based on an energy audit.

Clarity and insight

A single point of contact for all your energy inquiries.

Direct access to support

For any questions or changes, our support team is always available without wait times.

Looking to save on your energy costs? Let Procent perform a free no-obligation energy audit. Our energy analysts buy directly on the APX (energy exchange) and secure the best rates. Continue to benefit from low prices year after year.

What to expect?

  1. Free energy audit
  2. Lower energy rates
  3. Dedicated point of contact
  4. Energy savings information obligations
  5. Energy tax refund assistance
  6. Discounts on metering services

Get in touch today

Procent has agreements with these manufacturers:

Also save on


A single point of contact for all your payment transactions.

The benefits

  • The best rates for card and credit card transactions
  • Immediate benefits, quickly arranged
  • Complete support and time savings
  • Procent handles the transition
  • Online overview and insights
  • Personalized advice and support

Bypass agreements

Receive a bonus when purchasing A-brand products.

The benefits

  • Bypass on over 25 A-brands
  • Economies of scale
  • Handled from A to Z
  • Separate from your current wholesaler agreements
  • Bypass overview of more than 25 A-brands

Waste management

A more efficient and cost-effective waste process.

The benefits

  • Favorable rates and terms
  • Personalized advice
  • Minimal annual increase
  • Direct access to support
  • Free savings analysis
  • Assistance with glass fund registration
  • Rates include environmental levy